Acupuncture For Stress; Is It Helpful?
Did you know more than 40 million adults have the symptoms of anxiety? The symptoms of anxiety are often treated with psychotherapy, medication and sometimes a combination of both.
Acupuncture for stress is an alternative treatment for anxiety. It
is an ancient practice involves inserting needles into pressure points. There is
some specific scientific evidence that helps with certain symptoms on anxiety.
blogs points out the benefits of acupuncture
for stress management and why should you include this treatment.
of Stress on a Small Scale
case you do not have time to change your lifestyle for work, school, family or
even financial reasons – you should start doing small exercises like:
sleep hygiene
the right nutrition (reduce caffeine and carb intake)
gentle movement whenever you can
a relaxing space and environment
case, you are still experiencing stress, restlessness and insomnia – then you should
take time to make an appointment with professional acupuncturist for an
evaluation and make a customized plan for your unique symptoms.
Are The Benefits of Acupuncture?
there have been several studies about the effects of acupuncture on anxiety.
Most of these studies have focused on generalized anxiety disorder and suggest
acupuncture is helpful to treat general anxiety.
to a recent study, acupuncture improved the symptoms in people with anxiety
that didn’t respond to other treatments like psychotherapy and medication. Participants,
who received 30-minutes session of acupuncture over 12 weeks, experience a
significant reduction in anxiety even ten weeks after treatment.
to Expect?
you go for the first appointment, your acupuncturist would start by asking your
symptoms. Also, you will ask you about the medications you are taking and your
medical history and any other health concern. Well, it is a good time to ask
any lingering question in the process.
the session, they will insert long, thin needles into different pressure points.
Based on the pressure points, this can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes.
Also, the acupuncturist twists the needles and applies an electrical pulse to
them. They will leave the needles for 20 minutes before carefully removing
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