Release Stress and Anxiety; Choose Acupuncture as a Better Alternative
Did you know 5 out of 10 women reported a rise in stress level over past five years? Though men and women tend to cope with stress differently – chronic stress can contributes to a range of health issues including mental health issue, heart disease and obesity. There are plenty of ways to reduce your stress level.
Integrated treatment like medication
and acupuncture helps to reduce stress level. Acupuncture
for Stress Relief are gaining mainstream acceptance as the recent
research demonstrated.
How Acupuncture works For Stress and
Acupuncture is an ancient
Chinese practice that involves using the tiny needs to stimulate the nervous
and immune system. During the process a licensed acupuncturist inserts thin
needles into specific points on our body.
The process is completely
painless and proves to support traditional treatment for various problems
including stress, chronic pain and digestive disorders. In fact, this mode of
treatment is also effective for insomnia.
Is There Any Risk?
Well, acupuncture would not make your anxiety
worse – however, it comes with some possible side effects and risk factors.
Fortunately, you can avoid the most of these by choosing a licensed
The most common side effects people experience
with acupuncture is soreness after the session. However, it usually goes away
within a few hours – sometimes it leaves some bruising. In some cases, people
often feel pinpricks of pain during the session.
Licensed acupuncturist uses sterile and
disposable needles to avoid the side-effects of acupuncture. In addition, skin
can also develop infection if the practitioner does not use sterilized needles
People with pacemaker and bleeding condition should avoid the treatment. It is also important to note that if you are taking any ongoing treatment or prescribed medication you should first discuss with doctor.
What to Expect?On the first appointment, acupuncturist will ask you about the symptoms you want to treat. You should also inform them about the medication and your complete medical history.
During the session, doctors would leave
the needles for 20 minutes and carefully remove them. Most acupuncture
treatment is intended to be repeated. Some people might feel immediate
improvement and the other will see gradual changes with repeated visits.
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